Ephesians Study and Prayer Kit
Ephesians Study and Prayer Kit
Study the book of Ephesians in this fully adaptable study.
Cover the material, as written, or adjust it to fit your needs and schedule. Ideal for individual or group study. Easily adapted for family study time.
Material includes:
Beginner Bible Marking Guide
Ephesians Study 14-day and 7-week plans and Memory Verse cards
Key Scripture Study page. Plain and color version provided.
Dig Deeper Study Questions. Plain and color version provided.
Study Journal Page. It can be used for journaling, writing out prayers or longer passages of scripture. Plain and color version provided.
Word Study Page. Plain and color version provided.
Prayer Prompt Cards
Memory Verse Tracker. Turn the memory verse cards into a personal or family challenge! Use the tracker to learn one new verse well each week.
To accomplish the study - use as many of the given pages as you choose.
Short on time? Just use one of the plans and the Key Scripture Study page. Or just read the plan and work on the memory verses.
It's your study. Do it your way.
PDF product that has 22 pages
This is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped to you.